A vacant home tax has been introduced with the hope that it will bring more homes on stream for people to rent or buy.
Renters who live in a house share will each be able to avail of a €500 tax credit.
So for example, if there's three tenants renting a room in a house share, they'll each be able to claim the €500 tax credit individually.
However the landlord of the property must be registered with the Rental Tenancies Board (RTB).
A vacant homes tax has been introduced, it will be three times a property's local property tax, on top of the existing rate.
Properties vacant for more than 30 days in a 12 month period will be eligible, the tax is intended to bring more properties on stream to deal with the current housing crisis.
Tanaiste Leo Varadkar says the new tax credit this will give renters some much needed help: