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Simon Harris To Be Revealed As Fine Gael's New Party Leader Today

Nominations to replace Leo Varadkar close at lunchtime.

Fine Gael is set to reveal Simon Harris as the party’s new leader this afternoon.

Nominations to replace Leo Varadkar close at lunchtime, with the Higher Education Minister set to be the sole nominee.

Nominations for the new Fine Gael leader will close at 1 o clock, with Simon Harris expected to be the sole candidate.

This afternoon Fine Gael will hold a selection convention in Athlone for the Midlands North West constituency for the upcoming European elections.

Following that, the party’s returning officer Willie Geraghty will announce who has been nominated to replace Leo Varadkar.

Simon Harris is expected to be the sole candidate, and barring any surprises, will be declared the new leader.

All going to plan, he will then be nominated and elected as Taoiseach on April 9th, when the Dail returns from the Easter recess.
AL in Athlone

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